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More People Eat Salad for Lunch on Mondays


If you read this blog post yesterday, you might have done so while eating a big pile of rabbit food. That’s because Monday is the biggest day of the week for salad sales, according to several salad bar chains in New York and Florida.

“We think it’s because people are a little repentant about their weekend,” Colin McCabe, founder of Chop’t told Bloomberg Businessweek. The salad chain, which has stores in New York and D.C., reports selling 10 percent more salads on Monday. (Although sometimes Tuesday sales are higher.)

The article also has an amazing chart called “Salad as Penance,” which you should go see for yourself, if for no other reason than that it has the single best name of any news illustration, possibly ever. It would also make a good name for an autobiography about a person who diets a lot. You are welcome, writers of dieting memoirs.

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It appears that willpower in general is higher at the beginning of the week. Research at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health says that more people start diets, quit smoking, and search for health information online on Mondays.

It come as no surprise that Friday is the worst work day for willpower and healthy eating. The (awesome) burger chain Shake Shack says that Friday lunch is its biggest day of the work week. The biggest day in general, though, says Shake Shack’s spokesperson, is still Saturday — the day when many of us go off our diets completely, in preparation for Monday’s Day of Leafy Contrition.

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(Photo Credit: catsper/Flickr)

Jen Hubley Luckwaldt
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