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Do Smartphones Really Kill Productivity?

Topics: Data & Research

As we roll into our second workweek since Pokemon Go came onto the scene, it seems only fitting to take a few moments to contemplate the role technology plays in our professional lives.

Last month, CareerBuilder, with the help of Harris Poll, released the results of their survey of over 5,000 hiring managers, human resource managers, and full-time private sector workers in the U.S. The survey aimed to examine the role smartphones play in our lives and our work.

kill productivity

(Photo Credit: Adrianna Calvo/Pexels)

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Here are a few of the key results from the survey:

  1. Mobile phones were determined to be the greatest threat to productivity.

When asked what the biggest productivity killer was in their workplace, 55 percent of respondents named cellphones/texting. They ranked them above the internet (41 percent), social media (37 percent), and even such old-fashioned distractions as co-workers dropping in (27 percent) or gossip (39 percent.)

  1. Most people keep their smartphones close, and they use them.

More than 80 percent of the people who have smartphones say they keep them “within eye contact” range while they are at work. And, among that group, two out of three admit to using their cellphone at least several times during a typical workday.

  1. They are accessing a variety of information.

Among those folks who do use their phones throughout the workday, 65 percent said they spend time on personal messaging (more than any other activity). Fifty-one percent said they check the weather, 44 percent look at news stories, 24 percent admit to playing games, and 24 percent say they use their phones to shop during the workday.

  1. Employers often try to do something about it.

According to the survey results, 75 percent of employers agree that two or more hours a day are lost to employees’ distraction. As a result, employers often try to do something to limit these diversions. Thirty-two percent say they’ve blocked certain internet sites in the workplace, and 26 percent have banned personal calls and cellphone use during the workday. Other methods such as strategically scheduling break times, and limiting meetings are also being employed to help improve productivity, but not on as wide a scale.

For more information, be sure to check out the full report from CareerBuilder.

Tell Us What You Think

How do you relate to these findings? Do they describe the way you use your smartphone? We want to hear from you! Leave a comment or join the discussion on Twitter.


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Of course, the smartphone actually make you less productive at work and sleep. Also you will be bad at remembering things since your smartphone have internet everywhere. After all, we are addicted in gaming. I am working at custom essay writing service and we are not allowed to use our smartphone during the work time.

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