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Reviews, Advice, and Pretty Pretty Charts in the Gastropub Release


Gather around everyone; it’s time for show-and-tell. It’s been three weeks since we last spoke, and we’ve been hard at work on reviews, advice, and pretty pretty charts.

RC:TNG Update with 100% Prettier Charts


RC:TNG New Charts

We’re dropping design bombs on the RC:TNG. Working with our very talented designer, we came up with four new and beautiful charts to add the new RC:TNG. In this release, we were able to get two of them done.

Do You Know What You're Worth?

The map is covered in balloons. The big balloons show popular cities for that job, small balloons show less popular cities (that we have enough data to report on). A green balloon means that city’s workers are paid more than the national average, and a red balloon shows that city’s workers are paid less than the national average.

RC:TNG Office Administrator in the UK Salary Map

The pay difference charts for employers and related jobs are pretty much the same thing, so we’ll only show one of them and leave finding the other one as a challenge for you to find. (Those not up for the quest can click here.)

RC:TNG Jobs Related to Office Administrator Salary Chart

Reviews and Advice

This is a two-sided feature: people have always wanted to leave advice or reviews on our site, and people have always wanted to read reviews and advice on our site. We’re releasing the first version of that this release.

This is a ?-feature and is a sub-component of the RC:TNG, so it is only available to our UK users at the moment (the RC:TNG Expansion Pack is scheduled for a future release). Since everyone in the UK is still asleep, there isn’t any advice to share yet (and the feature has only be live for about 5 minutes).

Here are your options for advice and reviews to leave:

  • If you’re experienced at your job, what advice would you have for someone just entering your field?
  • For your job at your company, what advice are the pros and cons you’d like to share with someone who is interested in that job?

Reviews and Advice for Jobs


We actually released some other really great stuff, but we’re not announcing it for another week. Stay tuned 🙂

As always: email me or tweet at me with comments.



Adam Phillabaum
Read more from Adam

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