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3 Signs It’s Time to Quit Your Job


Should you stay or should you go? The decision to quit your job is harder than ever during a down economy, which has been the status quo for some years now, even if we haven’t technically been in a recession for some time. There are times, however, when you need to say, “So long, suckers,” and look for new employment. (We advise you not to do that literally, no matter what the circumstances of your departure.)

Here’s how to tell if you need a new job:

1. You just don’t like your job anymore.

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It might sound indulgent to those of you who’ve clung to jobs you hate during tough times, but it’s perfectly OK to look for another job just because you’re no longer feeling the old one. If you’re just not that into it anymore, start looking for something new before you’re totally burned out. (Ideally, of course, while you still have your terrible job.)

2. You can’t get motivated.

If you’re staring at the wall, or the clock, or into space all day long, maybe it’s time to go. As a friend once said to me, “I’ve read the entire internet and counted every little burlap square on the wall of my cubicle. I think I need to move on.”

3. Your boss has boundary issues.

What if your boss won’t let you stop working? If he expects immediate responses to his 3 a.m. emails, it’s time for you two to break up.

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(Photo Credit: leesean/Flickr)

Jen Hubley Luckwaldt
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