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The iPhone 5 Travels 20,096 Miles Before Ending Up in Your Hands [infographic]


With the rise of bring-your-own-device policies, the iPhone has become one of the most-used smartphones in the business world; indeed, in the corporate world, Apple’s iOS is the most common mobile platform as of 2012. The iPhone 5, which launched in September 2012, has been particularly difficult for people to get their hands on. When you see the incredibly long and arduous path it takes for this cutting-edge smartphone to get from manufacturing to delivery, it’s easy to understand why.

The life of the iPhone 5 begins in the U.S. at the Apple headquarters in California. After it’s developed and designed, it moves on to the U.K. There, it makes a journey of 5,215 miles, where the blue chip is implemented and the touchscreen overlay is placed. From there, it moves to South Korea to have the video processor chip prepared. Then, it’s off to spend 11,818 miles in Japan.

Taiwan is next on the agenda. It’s there that the camera module and battery charger get placed, among other things. Next up is 13,911 miles to the People’s Republic of China, where the case is put together before the phone is shipped home to the U.S. and into the hands of consumers.

Check out the infographic below for more insights on how your iPhone 5 ends up in your hands.

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(Photo credit: Mashable)

Marissa Brassfield
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