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Fight for Your Right to… Facebook?


Have you checked out PayScale's "Gen Y On The Job" report yet? If so, you might have noticed the different polls on each page of the report, questions about job perks and social media use. One question received over 1,400 responses. Which question was it and how did the results break down?

It's official: people love to talk about social media. The most answered question so far:

Q: How important is access to social media during work hours?

Participants chose from three possible answers: 

Do You Know What You're Worth?

  1. Why would I check Facebook when I’m supposed to be working?
  2. It's nice but I don't expect it. 
  3. Nothing comes between me and my Twitter. 

The results might surprise you. In our Facebook-obsessed world, only 17 percent of respondents 'fessed up to their social media addiction. Fifty-one percent of the people who answered said they like having access to social media but view it as more of a perk than a right. And 31 percent of the respondents made this writer feel guilty for keeping a Facebook tab open in my browser, admonishing those who pay attention to social media channels on the job. 

Social Media Sneakiness Abroad

How did the responses break down by country? Only 17 percent of the U.S. workers who responded felt access to social media at work was a right and not a privilege. Forty-nine percent like it as a perk, while 32 percent are too busy working to update their Facebook pages with pictures of their lunch. Australians put us all to shame, with the Facebook-avoiding worker bees weighing in at over 35 percent and only 5 ercent admitting an addiction to their social networks. 

Tell Us What You Think

If you haven't taken the poll yet, it's your turn to answer. Are you plugged in to Facebook and Twitter at work? Be sure to look at our "Gen Y On the Job" report and answer all the poll questions. 

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(Image credit: Linkedmediagrp/flickr)

Alida Mooreston
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