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Can You Trust Employees to Work From Home? [infographic]


This infographic plays on the fears of many a manager: can you trust employees to work from home? It’s packed with statistics that shed light on how people spend their time when they work remotely, including what they do to procrastinate and what they did with the extra hours they would have otherwise spent commuting.

As of 2010, 4.3 of the workforce primarily clocks in from home, and one-third of companies permit employees to regularly telecommute. Workers choose to telecommute for several valid reasons: 44 percent report fewer distractions when working from home, 35 percent feel they’re more productive there than in the office, and 35 percent reported that telecommuting unlocks a better work-life balance.

Those who work from home don’t spend every single minute of the 9-to-5 workday actually doing work, though. Telecommuters might watch TV, do chores, cook, nap, play video games and even drink alcohol while they’re on the clock.

Check out the full infographic below. Managers, do you trust your employees to work from home?

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(Photo credit: Mashable)

Marissa Brassfield
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