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Paint Your Office Walls the Best Colors for Productivity


Color schemes in any office help set the mood or tone of the business. Forbes has a wonderful color wheel that indicates the different psychological moods that colors evoke. If you have the opportunity to paint your office walls or to change the color schemes where you work, consider how you wish to influence your co-workers and clients.

(Photo Credit: UnitedSoybeanBoard/Flickr)

The following suggestions and research are based upon the majority of people’s responses to colors in North America and modern times. Therefore, people from a variety of cultures may have a wider variety of responses. Also, even within one culture there will always be exceptions to the rules. The following advice will likely affect most people in your office the way described.

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White Is Boring

The title says it all. While white is a blank slate and makes it easier to choose curtains or other interior decorations, the colors in your office space reflect your business and work. Don’t be bored, be influential.

Green Is for Creative People

Greens tend to inspire creative thinking. If you are artistic or work in a creative business, green may help you in your endeavors. It may also spark some creativity in your clients when they visit, and may make brainstorming sessions and meetings more productive.

Avoid Red

Reds and yellows have been popular lately for kitchen spaces, but red should avoided in office spaces. Red is known for reducting critical and analytical thinking. An office is a place for problem-solving and intelligent productivity.

Red is also known for action. This may seem tempting in an office; perhaps you want your coworkers to move faster. However, quick decisions minus analytical thought may lead to disastrous results down the road for the business. Avoid red.

Blue Is Comfortable

If you want to make people feel comfortable and at home, blue is a widely accepted and liked color. If you tend to have long meetings in your office, blue walls may cause people to be comfortable working longer.

Blue is also good for common spaces, because the majority of people find it pleasing.

Whatever colors you choose for your office walls, wall paint can be easily changed. It takes a few hours on a weekend day to slap some primer and a new color on your walls. Therefore, you may feel free to experiment with paint colors in your office (provided, of course, that you’re allowed to paint in the first place).

Tell Us What You Think

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