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Why Your Boss Should Let You Sleep at Work


Admit it: your job would be greatly improved if you were allowed to spend at least a few minutes of your workday catching up on needed shuteye. And while there’s plenty of evidence to suggest that taking short naps improves productivity (not to mention, job satisfaction) most bosses aren’t going to go for it. So here’s some more ammo for your argument.

Anna Codrea?Rado recently wrote a piece for Quartz outlining just about everything you need to know about sleeping at work. Here’s the part that you’ll want to show your boss:

1. Your bad night’s sleep is costing your employer $1,967 a year.

OK, that’s an average number. Still, researchers at Tufts Medical Center found that lack of sleep directly impacted job performance — to the tune of almost two grand a year per employee.

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2. Seriously sleep-deprived people might as well be drunk.

A study published in Nature Journal showed that people who haven’t slept for 28 hours perform the same as people with blood alcohol levels of .10 percent.

3. All you need is a half hour.

Researchers at John Moores University found that sleep-deprived subjects who were allowed to nap for 30 minutes after lunch were significantly more alert, as determined by measuring their heart rate and reflexes. (As opposed to just going with self-reporting, which of course will always skew toward more naps instead of fewer.)

So there you have it. You have to nap. It’s for the good of the company.

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napping at work

(Photo Credit: hawken/Flickr)

Jen Hubley Luckwaldt
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