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Turn Around Your Bad Day and Make it Productive


We all have those days when we wake up in the morning and are grouchy for absolutely no reason. On these days, it seems that nothing is going your way: you left your smartphone at home, an important meeting was canceled and your computer crashed. Usually, these days become hours of unproductivity. But fret no more, because there is a way to turn around your bad day and make it a productive one.

Always keep a list of quick tasks. Since that important meeting was canceled, you have some extra time on your hands. For example, you can use that time to send out some thank-you cards to clients, or any other small task that tends to get lost in the shuffle.

When your day is just not going the way you anticipated, take a minute to step back and take a deep breath. Stress can make your bad day even worse. Give yourself some time to recoup from the tension with deep breathing. This can help you get your energy back and refocus your concentration.

When a bad day just can’t be saved, use it as a learning experience. What went wrong? What could you have done better? Learn from your mistakes and make sure to always be prepared. For example, carry an extra phone charger with you or keep a change of clothes in your office in case of a spill. Be prepared for your next disastrous day.

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Other ways to save a bad day include practicing presentations beforehand (especially if technology is involved) and by making the most of canceled appointments by making progress on larger projects.

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(Photo credit: c tab62 –

Marissa Brassfield
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