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Rise of the Alpha Female: When Will Women Breadwinners Become the Majority?


If current salary trends continue, it won't be long until women breadwinners become the majority. The age of the alpha female is upon us: nearly 40 percent of working women earned more than their husbands as of 2009, which is up from 25 percent in the early 90s. Liza Mundy, a Washington Post reporter and author of "The Richer Sex," predicts that by 2025, more than half of U.S. households will have a woman at the financial helm.

This shift is a good thing, according to Mundy. Men will embrace a broader view of masculinity that affords them time to spend on "manly" hobbies yet also includes domestic duties like cooking and cleaning. Women who out-earn their husbands will have the leverage to end what Mundy calls "the unhappy days of the second shift, when so many men and women were mired in arguments over equity that always seemed to boil down to laundry and dishes."

What do you think about the rise of women breadwinners? How do you think this shift will change family dynamics?

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(Photo credit: Victor1558/Flickr)

Marissa Brassfield
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