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3 Ways to Maximize Your Lunch Break


Instead of eating at your desk, taking a little break and getting some fresh air during the day may help relieve stress and reduce afternoon fatigue. Make the most of your lunch break. Following are just three ways you can maximize your time off in the middle of the day.

lunch break

(Photo Credit: Seattle Municipal Archives/Flickr)

Your Lunch Break Belongs to You

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The gist of a recent study published in the Academy of Management Journal is that lunch break autonomy plays a pivotal role in how refreshed and energized employees feel afterward, Generally, employees who enjoy autonomy on their lunch breaks suffer less fatigue in the afternoon.

Remember that your lunch break belongs to you. If you have personal errands piling up, take care of some of them at lunch. Go for a walk. Do whatever you want to do. The important thing is to not feel chained to your desk, eating lunch in your work space. Take a break, do something for you, and come back to work.

Make It Social

A great way to become refreshed and rejuvated during your lunch break is to eat with friends. You may organize a weekly “lunch bunch” with friends at work. For example, every Thursday a group may go out together for lunch. Remember that the purpose is to have fun; try to avoid airing work grievances during this social time.

However, this may be a time to discuss projects, brainstorm, or network with each other in a position fashion.

Conserve Costs

Going out to eat can get expensive, and some people might feel they can’t afford a weekly lunch bunch. If that is the case, you may utilize cost-cutting measures. If eating in a restaurant, remember to drink water. Look for lunch specials instead of ordering a la carte. Sometimes splitting an entree will help save money, but make sure to ask if there is a charge for split dishes. 

Another option to keep things affordable is brown-bagging it and going to sit in the park during nice weather.

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