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3 Ways to Be Better at Your Job


Whether you love your job or hate it, plan to stay until retirement or hope to have a new gig by Tuesday, it pays to be better at what you’re doing right now. After all, you can’t make the boss a better manager or your job title more impressive; the only thing you can change, all on your own, is you.

good at your job 

(Photo Credit: stockimages/

Fortunately, it’s not that hard to get better at your job. Some of it is cultivating a mindset, and setting aside time to brush up on skills. Here’s how to get started:

Do You Know What You're Worth?

1. Look at your performance review with fresh eyes.

If your company caps off the year with reviews — or starts the new one that way — you might still be smarting a bit from the “constructive criticism” you just heard. Take a moment to get your head together, and then look at the review again, this time with the idea of finding things you can work on. If you view the criticism from a place of wanting to get better, you’re more likely to find ways to improve your performance.

2. Address your weak spots.

What’s the one thing you hope your boss never asks you to do? Is it give a presentation, create a spreadsheet, or use a software program you’re not familiar with? Tackle that fear head on by taking a class in the thing that scares you the most. You won’t believe how much more productive you can be when you’re not hiding from something you dread. Many companies offer training classes for free.

3. Network.

We generally think of networking as something to do when we’re looking for a new job, but it can also help you be better at the job you have now. Making connections with other people in your industry will help you keep current on trends, and give you a chance to expand your professional contacts.

Want to get your career on track in 2014? Sign up for PayScale’s Make It Happen email course. It offers the tools you need to get a raise, get a promotion, get hired, and get better at your job.

Tell Us What You Think

How long did it take you to become great at your job? We want to hear from you! Leave a comment or join the discussion on Twitter.

Jen Hubley Luckwaldt
Read more from Jen

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