
PayScale Benchmark allows organizations to address their compensation data gaps and remain competitive in attracting and retaining the best talent.
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PayScale Benchmark allows organizations to address their compensation data gaps and remain competitive in attracting and retaining the best talent.
Freshest Comp Data Anywhere
PayScale has the world’s largest database of crowdsourced salary profiles. Instantly access this robust compensation database to ensure you are matching your unique positions accurately and leveraging real-time data to move your business forward.
PayScale recognized in Compensation Management based on user reviews
Spot Pay Trends
Track compensation trends in specific labor markets and understand how positions can impact your strategy. Model data, then compare and analyze scenarios to get a full picture of your competitive markets.
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Price to the Market
Benchmark positions based on your job descriptions, titles, and compensable factors and ensure you are pricing to your specific talent markets.
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Impact the Bottom Line
Compensation decisions are critical to a company’s bottom line. Build comp scenarios, compare market differentials, see how your organization competes with the market, and adjust your strategy.
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The Power of Helix
Fuel your comp strategy with artificial intelligence, modern data science, and abundant data. Helix is PayScale’s unique combination of machine learning, ever-improving prediction and matching algorithms, as well as dynamic data modeling to enable better job matches and pay predictions.
"When I tell you that MarketPay changed my life, it has seriously changed my life. I can’t imagine doing compensation work without it now."
- Michelle Huse, Manager of Compensation, Baylor University
"We did our first ever cycle increase with PayScale Team this year. Team is cost effective, time saving, and it allows me to manage the process very easily."
- Rommie Callaghan, VP of HR, Privateer Holdings
"Compensation ties into all pieces of your organization. If you don’t pay right, if you don’t get the right people on board, you’re going to have a hard time with performance and turnover."
- Julie Mathis, HR Manager, Futaba
"Compensation was the number one area people were upset about, they didn’t feel like the plan was clear, transparent, or fair."
- Tracy Malmos, SVP Human Resources, Mission Produce
"With PayScale, we’re able to show our employees we’re looking out for them. Being able to have that conversation, to show them we’re being proactive about their compensation, is a big morale booster."
- Benjamin Hernandez, Chief Financial Officer, Houston Health Department
Start the Transformation

We can help you bring modern compensation to life in your organization.