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Resilience: The Key to Success

Topics: Career Advice

The training and education you receive in school might help you attain the skills required to actually do your job, but there is more to success than that. These days, it’s soft skills that set you apart from the pack. Traits like excellent communication, the ability to work well in a team, and professional resiliency go a long way. Resiliency may not be discussed quite as much as some of the other skills, but it’s very important. So, what does it mean to be resilient in a professional context? And, how can it change your career?

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1. Resilience means adaptability and emotional strength.

Resilience is all about how well you’re able to adjust to changes in the world around you. In a professional context, resiliency allows you to roll with the punches with greater ease. On difficult days, when others might push back against the tides of change, or get hung up on defeats, resilient people differentiate themselves as leaders. They adapt quickly to changes on an emotional level, not just a practical one, and that sets them apart.

Focus on cultivating some of the characteristics of resilient professionals, like confidence, optimism, and compassion, in order to help you move further down this path. Even just understanding the goal itself could make a big difference. When you appreciate the impact that resiliency could have on your professional life, it becomes a priority. And, that helps you further develop and hone the trait.

2. It helps you bounce back quickly.

Resilience isn’t about accepting defeat, it’s about springing back from it easily and quickly. When you believe in your work, and yourself, and when you’re able to see challenges as opportunities, everything starts to change. Our professional lives are full of disappointments, great and small. Being able to quickly bounce back from them could help you advance your career in countless ways.

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3. You’ll adjust well to changes.

Our world changes so quickly these days. If you’re the kind of worker who’s going to hem-and-haw every time the company updates the way they’re doing things, you’re going to fall behind. Resiliency helps you to adjust well to changes, which helps you to become a valued asset around the office. You’ll be known as someone who adapts well, and someone who helps others to do the same via your example.

4. Resilience is infectious.

When one person offers this kind of perspective, they become invaluable within a group — certainly in an employer’s eyes. Negative coworkers are a drag. But, resilient people have a way of putting a positive, lighthearted spin on things. It’s hard to maintain a dreary attitude when sitting next to someone with a resilient spirit, because the contrast makes the negativity stand out even more than usual. Be the kind of employee who influences others in a positive direction. Your employer will notice the impact you’re having on the collective culture of your workplace.

5. You’ll feel better.

Cultivating more resiliency isn’t just about getting ahead at work — it’s about being happier and healthier too. Resilience helps you reduce stress. This trait is really all about staying grounded and managing adversity. When you’re better able to accept setbacks, recover quickly from disappointments, and adapt well to change, you deal with stress better. Resilience is the key to success because it changes your attitude and the way you respond to difficulty. Not only can it help you advance professionally, you’ll also feel better and enjoy the ride a little more too.

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