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10 Creative Out-of-Office Replies You Can Use Right Now


We’re a full step into fall, which means if you’re not drowning in leaf piles, you’re probably drowning in work. You know what you deserve? That’s right, a mental health day. The problem for most of us, however, isn’t being able to take the time off. It’s being able to unplug for more than 12 hours. According to one study, nearly 50 percent of respondents admitted to checking email while on vacation. It’s time to put your OOO on, and put your phone away.


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But are you a little sick of the standard “I’m out of the office today”? Does those certain persistent senders still get through and expect an answer? Maybe it’s time for you to get more creative with an out-of-office rely that really delivers the message. Here are a few variations on old favorites you can use right now, free of charge.

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1. “I will be out of office for the remainder of the week. If you can guess my phone number, I’m happy to take your call — otherwise I’ll be back on Monday.”

2. “I apologize for the inconvenience, but I’ll be out of the office until Tuesday. If it’s an emergency, please call 9-1-1.”

3. “I’m away from my desk. If my desk does not answer your email, I will be happy to on Friday when I’m back.”

4. “In the words of the great philosopher Drake: ‘If you’re reading this, it’s too late.’ I’m out on vacation with my woes.”

5. “Please excuse this out-of-office reply for giving you false hope of my quick response to your email. I will be back next week.”

6. “I’m currently out of the office, but you can reach me on Twitter with the hashtag #INTERRUPTINGYOURVACATION”

7. “I will be out of the office until Friday. Given that it’s 2015, I have complete and total access to my email — however, please know that I will be ignoring your message until my return.”

8. “Thanks for your message (#7,984,342), it has been added to my queue and will answered in the order it was received.”

9. “I will be away from the office for the next seven days. Until then, you could kill time by watching the Lord of the Rings trilogy (extended edition) exactly 14.8 times.”

10. “I’m away from my desk at another job interview. If it doesn’t work out, I’ll reply to you shortly.” (h/t Corey Eridon)

Tell Us What You Think!

What’s the best OOO you’ve ever seen? Tell us below in the comments, or join the conversation on Twitter

Peter Swanson
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