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6 Reasons Why You Should Continue Your Job Search in December


If you think that December is a month to slack on your job search, you may be seriously mistaken. Don’t lose out on what can be a great month to land an offer. Here, we give you six reasons to focus on your job hunt even while the year comes to an end.


(Photo Credit: Dana Voss/Flickr)

1. The competition may be taking a break: The popular belief that “December is a lean month for job seekers” might be keeping the competition at bay. You may just be the most responsive candidate that the recruiter can get on-site for an interview.

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2. Employers have to use up their budget: Budgets are usually allocated for the calendar year, cost-cutting begins around the middle of the year, and executives suddenly realize there’s a ton of money waiting to be used up by the end of the year — or else they forfeit the money. So, there’s every chance they can put it toward a new head count.

3. There’s urgency toward meeting the headcount of the New Year:  Even if some recruiters can choose to wait for the beginning of the New Year, projects at many companies need to kick off with the New Year, so there’s an added urgency to find suitable candidates in December. 

4. Plenty of networking opportunities:  If you’re looking for a job, jump on every networking opportunity there is — even the family get-together where your extremely loquacious Aunt Esmeralda is invited. Chances are Aunt Esmeralda knows someone who knows someone who’s working in your dream company. If you are going to professional get-togethers, make sure you are dressed sharply to make a good first impression.

5. There’s already a reason to keep in touch: By sending season’s greetings, you’re getting into the “instant recall” zone of the receiver’s brain. Have you had a discussion a while ago about your job search? Maybe they’ll reply back thanking you for your thoughtful wishes and inquiring about how everything is going. Use this opportunity to realistically share your experiences. Don’t over-dramatize or grovel for a job.

6. There’s a lot of holiday work: Most retailers need all the extra help they can get during the holidays. If you are looking for a job on a temporary basis, this may be a good idea. And if you are exceptional, you may even land a permanent job!

Tell Us What You Think

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Padmaja Ganeshan Singh
Read more from Padmaja

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