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5 Reasons People Hate Their Jobs


Over 2 million people voluntarily quit their jobs each month, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, even though the unemployment rate is at 6.7 percent. Why would anyone leave their job when new gigs aren’t exactly growing on trees?

job stress 

(Photo Credit: kibsri/

In short, it’s because their jobs have become so horrible, for one reason or another, that they’d rather take their chances with a new company.

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Quora recently ran a question: “Why do so many people hate their jobs?” The answers were illuminating and horrifying, in equal measure.

1. Because people pick their careers when they’re young — and they don’t know what they want to do yet.

This one works both ways. On the one hand, you have the lawyer or finance person who chose a high-paying job, but might not love the work 10 years down the line; on the other, you have people who followed their dreams and studied art and literature, and now wish they made money. Either way, it’s a good reason to keep learning and growing — and examining your career choices — as you grow older.

2. Because work is what you have to do, not what you want to do.

“I like writing on Quora. But a huge part of that fun comes from the fact that I don’t have to do it unless I really want to,” writes Mihika Kulkarni. “The only times I write are when a question catches my fancy and I feel that I can contribute something that other answers haven’t. But I bet if someone made me toe a deadline like, you have to clock 10 answers every day, my enthusiasm would decline after some time. Then, to keep the quality of my answers above par, I would need incentives like money or perks.”

3. Because they live to work.

Lack of work-life balance is a big reason for people growing to hate their jobs. Even if you love what you do, you’ll get burned out if you never get any time off. Not to mention the stress that comes with a neglected personal life. Those bills won’t pay themselves, even if you have the money to settle them.

4. Because they have no power.

Many people lack control over even the most basic aspects of their jobs. If you feel powerless at work, you’re not going to clamor to go to the office each day.

5. Because the boss is terrible.

Bad bosses continue to be the number one reason why people hate their jobs — and eventually, leave them.

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Jen Hubley Luckwaldt
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And also because people have very strong attachments to the result of their work. Recommendation is – once you have delivered something – let it go. It doesn’t matter whether organization embraces it, or rots it. You can judge the quality of your work only based on immediate deliverables and their quality.

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