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3 Little Things That Will Help You Get the Job


If you’re looking for work right now, you’re probably already doing a lot to optimize your chances of getting hired. Sometimes, it’s easy to forget the small things that can help you get your resume to the top of the stack and your name on the list of potential hires.


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1. Have a friend read your resume.

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The problem with proofreading your own resume is that it’s impossible to see your own mistakes. Instead, you just read what you meant to write the first time around.

That’s one reason why it’s a good idea to have a friend look over your CV. Bonus points if it’s someone in your industry who knows what looks impressive to a hiring manager.

2. Update your social media profiles.

Anyone who has ever forgotten to take down their email away message after vacation can vouch for the fact that we often forget to update the most important things. When you’re looking for a job, your LinkedIn account is especially important. Make sure the world knows you’re looking. (Unless, of course, you’re looking while employed.)

3. Watch your body language.

Are you a close talker, or a fidgeter, or one of those folks who typically sits with their arms crossed and their shoulders hunched over? These bad habits can make it seem like you’re defensive, uninterested, or just plain socially awkward. Not the impression you want to give at an interview.

Practice being still, making the right amount of eye contact, and projecting confidence with your posture and handshake. (Firm, but not bonecrushing, is the goal.)

In short, look and act like a person you’d want to hire.

Want to get your career on track in 2014? Sign up for PayScale’s Make It Happen email course. It offers the tools you need to get a raise, get a promotion, get hired, and get better at your job.

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Jen Hubley Luckwaldt
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Likely, the interviewer had your role in past at some point in their career. Think of what kind of proficiency did they have to reach in order to

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