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5 Ways to Not Get Hired [infographic]


Nowadays, recruiters are cracking down on background checks and are turning to social media to see what potential candidates are really all about. Safeguard your professional reputation by not committing these five social media offenses — unless you enjoy being unemployed.

social media screening

(Photo Credit: Life Mental Health/Flickr)

What social platforms are being searched?

Do You Know What You're Worth?

1. Facebook

2. LinkedIn

3. Twitter

4. Google+

5. Instagram

6. Tumblr

Note: Some recruiters even perform Google searches on candidates. Talk about digging up some dirt from the past. Yikes.

What are recruiters looking for?

1. Are you who you say you are?

2. Do you conduct yourself in a professional manner online?

3. Are there any red flags that would interfere with your candidacy?

Will my social networks cost me the job?

Of course, employers don’t base their hiring decision solely on what they find on a candidate’s social networks; however, there are some instances where screening on social media is unerstandable. Take, for example, a position that requires the applicant to represent the company, such as in sales. It would seem fair for an employer to see whether or not the person conducts themselves in a professional and appealing manner online.

Another example would be a background check for an editorial or writing position. An employer might want to check the candidate’s social media profiles to see whether or not his writing and grammar is up to par and acceptable. If the person’s online posts are littered with grammatical and spelling errors … that’s a guaranteed “don’t call us; we’ll call you” scenario.

Take a look at MindFlash’s infographic below to see how companies are using social media to hire and fire employees:

5 Ways to Ensure You Never Get Hired

(Infographic Credit: MindFlash/

You are responsible for what you post online, so if you don’t want your current or potential employer to see certain aspects of your life, then make your profiles private or don’t post compromising content at all. You can also use your social media profiles to help your candidacy by highlighting your professional and educational accomplishments, as well as portraying your interests and passions through your shared content. So, be wise in your decisions when posting online, because you could be committing career suicide if you’re not careful about oversharing.

Tell Us What You Think

How do you ensure that you are safeguarding your career reputation online? Share your input on Twitter or in the comments section below.

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