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3 Ways to Find Time to Enjoy Your Summer


Remember what summer was like when you were in school? Not high school and college, when you could reasonably be expected to get a job. Before that, when all you needed to do was secure the snack foods of your choice and remember to reapply sunscreen once in a while. Pretty great, right? Times, needless to say, have changed.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t have fun this summer. It’s all a matter of time management. A recent article on Levo League got us thinking about what we need to do to really enjoy the heck out of our summer, even though the laziest days are long behind us.

1. Plan ahead.

It’s nearly impossible to take time off on the fly as an adult. If you want to get some serious relaxation in, you’re going to need to think as far ahead as possible. Don’t lie to yourself about what you can accomplish, either. It might make you feel better in the short run to tell the boss that you’ll do all your TPS reports in advance, but in the end, you’re more likely to wind up toting them to the beach. Don’t do that to yourself.

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2. Be a time miser.

How much time do you spend on social media, looking at the neighbor’s vacation photos instead of finishing your work so you can go on your own vacation? has a great list of apps and programs that can help you stop wasting time online while you’re working.

3. Let yourself have fun.

The best advice in the Levo League article is this: “Accept the fact that you deserve some fun.” It sounds like something that would go without saying, but in fact, our always-on culture trains us to believe the opposite. Give yourself permission to have a good time this summer. Your attitude and your work will improve because of it.

Tell Us What You Think

How do you fit in summer fun? We want to hear from you! Leave a comment or join the discussion on Twitter.

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(Photo Credit: x1klima/Flickr)

Jen Hubley Luckwaldt
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