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What’s a Librarian Worth? [infographic]


Librarians’ skills far surpass that of being able to recognize a good book. Not only do librarians have great research skills, but they also help people sort through the immense amount of information available in books and digital records. The infographic below from Masters in Education looks at the librarian as a profession in numbers.

In the United States, the average librarian makes $56,547 a year. This is certainly more than what librarians make in the rest of the world — $14,624 in Brazil, $23,135 in the UK and $33,487 in Australia. American librarians also tend to make more by the hour than those in the same age group in other professions. For example, librarians aged 25 to 54 make an average of $23.22 an hour. Meanwhile, others in the same age group make $19.76 and hour.

A quarter of librarians choose to work part time, but it seems the profession as a whole is growing in demand. The employment of librarians is expected to grow by 8 percent between 2008 and 2018. Becoming a librarian is a profession that is largely dominated by women; 78 percent of librarians are female. This seems to be the right time to enter the profession because a great deal of librarians are older than other workers and many of them will be retiring in the coming decade.

Learn more about librarians in the infographic below.

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(Photo credit: c Rafael Ben-Ari –

Marissa Brassfield
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