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3 Side Businesses for College Students


College is more expensive than ever before. Students are understandably eager to offset their steep tuition costs by earning money while they work toward their degree. Minimum wage jobs don’t provide more than a drop in the bucket of debt, and there are always issues with scheduling hours around classes. Fortunately, there are plenty of jobs students can create for themselves that allow them to earn more money — and on their own time.

Money Crashers recently ran an article offering entrepreneurial types a few ideas for side businesses that they can run while getting their degree, including:

1. Tutoring

If you’re a great study with a cash flow problem, tutoring is a great way to pad your wallet. As Money Crashers writer Lewis Humphries suggests, you can start out by using the traditional tutoring avenues at your school. But you also have the option, in this age of social media, to strike out on your own, using Twitter and Facebook, etc., so market yourself.

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2. Freelancing

“In the burgeoning freelance market, the demand for creative skills is continuing to soar,” Humphries writes. “Freelancing as a writer or blogger can therefore be particularly lucrative, especially if you focus on commercial copywriting for large organizations.”

3. Opening a Cleaning Service

Sick of reading and writing all day? Doing something with your hands might be a better option for your side business. You can even keep it campus-based and focus on dorm-dwelling clients, to keep your commute to a minimum.

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(Photo Credit: Tax Credits/Flickr)

Jen Hubley Luckwaldt
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