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Use a Practice Interview to Help You Get the Job


Have you ever seen yourself on film? It’s an eye-opening experience. Also, generally speaking, an eye-twitching experience, full of tics and mannerisms we never knew we had. Here’s how to not do any of that when you’re interviewing for a job.

First of all, take the time to set up a practice interview — and film it. Have a friend or family member record you going through the motions of an actual interview. To make it as accurate and successful as possible…

1. Dress as you would on the day. It’s almost impossible to see ourselves as we really appear, even on video, but at least you’ll get a better sense of how you look than you would by standing in front of a full-length mirror. Look for distracting elements (flashy accessories, clown-like makeup) as well as wardrobe malfunctions (gapping shirts, skirts that are too short). Remember that you want the interviewer to remember you, not your outfit.

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2. Prepare questions that interviewers are likely to ask. Go through the standard, boilerplate interview questions, but also check online to see if anyone has discussed their interviews at the same company. This is more likely if you’re interviewing with a larger business, of course, but always worth a try. If you can’t find specific information, look up sample questions for the industry. At the very least, it’ll give you talking points for the interview.

3. And speaking of talking points, don’t feel the need to speak too much. As this Redditor points out, our pauses rarely seem as awkward to the interviewer as they do to us. Take the time to think before you speak.

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(Photo Credit: laverrue/Flickr)

Jen Hubley Luckwaldt
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