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5 Things to Stop Doing in Order to Be Happy at Work (or Anywhere Else)


Happiness, to a certain extent, is within our control. No matter how boring your job, or how difficult your boss, you have the power to make your life better by changing your own behavior.

So far, so obvious. But a recent post on Lifehacker reminded me that when it comes to fostering happiness, sometimes, it’s what we don’t do that counts. (Their full list of ten things not to do is definitely worth your time.)

1. Whining

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Sure, a little venting is good for the soul, but continuously complaining about your problems won’t make you feel any better — in fact, it might make you feel worse. Just like positive self-talk can make you feel better about things, negative words can make you feel the opposite.

2. Dwelling on the Past

Learn from your mistakes, and move on. But don’t hold onto your errors, and don’t beat yourself up over them.

3. Playing the Blame Game

It doesn’t really matter who’s at fault; it matter who’s going to fix it. Be that person. It’ll make you feel more in control of your professional life while also (possibly) solving the problem.

4. Interrupting

Is there anything more annoying than being interrupted? It’s pretty much the quickest way to tell people you don’t value them or their ideas.

5. Being Afraid

“Don’t let your fears hold you back. Whatever you’ve been planning, whatever you’ve imagined, whatever you’ve dreamed of, get started on it today,” writes Jeff Haden. “If you want to start a business, take the first step. If you want to change careers, take the first step. If you want to expand or enter a new market or offer new products or services, take the first step. Put your fears aside and get started. Do something. Do anything. Otherwise, today is gone. Once tomorrow comes, today is lost forever.”

Tell Us What You Think

We want to hear from you! What do you do (or not do) to be happier at work? Leave a comment or join the discussion on Twitter, using the hashtag #MakeItHappen.

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(Photo Credit: katerha/Flickr)

Jen Hubley Luckwaldt
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