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6 Stellar Career Tips From an Executive Coach


Executive coach Kristi Hedges offers some stellar career tips in her latest Forbes column. These strategies apply for any level of professional; apply them and watch your success soar.

  1. Look for opportunity amid chaos. One of Hedges’ clients shared a maxim from her father: “If you see a fire, run into it.” She writes, “Most major career accelerations happen when someone steps into a mess and makes a difference.” How can you make the most out of a tough situation in your organization?
  2. Be accountable. Following up, meeting deadlines and remaining accountable all foster trust with your colleagues and superiors. Be the example that others strive to follow when it comes to trustworthiness.
  3. Don’t lie. Lies of omission count. “In an effort to look good, and not cause waves, we don’t express our truthful opinion,” Hedges points out. “Being brave enough to respectfully state the truth in a politically astute way sets you apart.”
  4. Treat everyone equally. To elevate yourself in the eyes of superiors and other authority figures, remain confident and relaxed. Similarly pump your direct reports up by introducing them to others as your colleagues.
  5. Be gracious. Acknowledgment of your hard work is one thing, but entitlement is another. Say thanks for opportunities you get and rewards you receive, and mean it.
  6. Help others. When you see an opportunity to help someone in your organization, offer to do so. Even if they decline your offer, you’ve still shown that you care for your colleagues.

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(Photo credit: Alex E. Proimos/Flickr)

Marissa Brassfield
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