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5 Tips for Your First Day at Work


First-day job jitters can get the best of even seasoned professionals; SavvySugar‘s five tips for your first day at work will help you start your new gig on the right foot.

  1. Dress the part. Err towards being overdressed — that’s far better than showing up underdressed in terms of setting a professional tone.
  2. Take notes. You’ll likely be inundated with information. Write tips, strategies and any other helpful tidbits down so you don’t forget them later.
  3. Get ready to remember a lot of names. Try time-tested memorization tactics like visualization, rhyming, repetition, identity association and writing them down. If all that fails, don’t be afraid to ask the person to repeat his or her name.
  4. Ask questions. Pick your colleagues’ brains while you have the benefit of their time. Doing so shows that you’re focused on doing good work and are engaged with the company.
  5. Stay observant. Watch and learn — your eyes and ears are your best allies in terms of assimilating into your new work environment.

What tips would you add to this list?

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(Photo credit: Bark/Flickr)

Marissa Brassfield
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